Lisbeth Nilsson, Tel +46 70-583 85 96, E-mail:



6th International Carers Conference, September 3-6, 2015 in Gothenburg

I present at the 6:th International Carers Conference held in Gothenburg.
It is a great event in the field of caring taking place only ech fourth year

The conference is opened by H.M. Queen Silvia and initial speech is held by Åsa Regnér, Minister of children, aging and equality. Close to 600 participants from 30 countries will attend and the programme now includes over 250 papers.

My presentation is on Friday 4th of September, Themed seminar  2.1.3. Health, Social Care and Wellbeing.
Children and youth with multiple and complex disabilities: A review of resources that provide opportunities for activity and participation.

Programme and information can be found at
6th International Carers Conference 

There is still time to register.

Hope to see you in Gothenburg!



Workshop and testing with children during two days at Kinderspital in St. Gallen, Switzerland

2024-05-01 Second version of Guide for application of the ALP-tool is uploaded

This guide was written for the universal Assessment of Learning Process (ALP) but the principles for application are the same for the ALP tool, version 2.0 and ALP for AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication). The first version of the guide was uploaded 18th of July 2023. The guide will continuously be refined and updated.
